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The Barite Stone: Formation, Mining Locations, and Metaphysical Properties

Barite, also sometimes known as baryte, is a mineral that is made up of barium sulfate. Its name is derived from the Greek word, “barys” which means “heavy” because it has an exceptionally high specific gravity (4.5) for a nonmetallic mineral. Because it is so heavy, it works well in numerous applications in the medical, industrial, and manufacturing industries. This stone also serves as the main ore of barium.

Barite occurs in a wide range of colors and forms in various shapes. It is also said to have a wide range of metaphysical properties and is used for both physical and emotional healing. It is also believed to aid in psychic development and spiritual growth. If you are looking for a unique gemstone to add to your collection, barite is an exceptional choice.

The History of Barite

Barite belongs to the barite group of minerals. Other minerals in this group include anglesite, celestite, and Hashemite. It was originally named baryte by Dietrich Ludwig Gustav Karsten in 1800, but the American spelling is barite. Throughout history, this mineral has also been known as barytes, tiff, barytite, heavy spar, and blanc fixe.

It is believed that barite has been used extensively by Native Americans in their religious practices. According to legend, they used the stone to aid them when traveling to the spiritual world from the physical world and to shapeshift.

Today, barite is most frequently used in drilling muds as a weighting agent. In the United States, 99% of the barite produced is used for this purpose. It is also, however, used as a weighted filler material for rubber, cloth, and paper and as a pigment in certain paints. It is also used to make barium compounds, which are frequently used in the medical industry.

Barite's Physical Properties

The physical property for which barite is most well known is its high specific gravity. It also has a low rating on the Mohs hardness scale, making it relatively fragile despite its weight. It forms as prismatic, blade, or large tabular crystals. It can also form in fibrous, lamellar crystal formations. Sometimes, tabular and bladed varieties form in concentric patterns with smaller crystals on the inside of the circle and larger ones moving outward. This results in a stunning flower-like appearance. When it forms in this manner, it is often referred to as a sand rose. 

In terms of color, it can be colorless, red, yellow, blue, brown, green, or black depending on what minerals are present. It has a vitreous, pearly luster and can be opaque, translucent, or transparent. It is a relatively common mineral that can be found in Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Morocco, and many other locations around the world.

Metaphysical Properties of Barite

Barite is said to assist in the renewal and development of intuitive energies. It can help you connect to the spiritual realm and is believed to help stimulate the dream state. It calms any scattered energy surrounding you by grounding it, and it conserves unneeded energy for future use. Working with this stone can help you connect with your higher self and bring energy from the higher realms into your physical body.

If your energy is unbalanced due to blockages, barite can be used to break up those blockages in a gentle manner. Working with this crystal can also help you better understand underlying problems with your energy that could be causing dependence and addictions. It is an excellent stone for healing and learning how to improve and better use your energy.

Barite Healing Properties

Barite is a powerful healer of the body and mind. Physically, it is often used to eliminate toxins from the body. It can also calm a nervous stomach and, as mentioned above, is an excellent tool if you are trying to break free from an addiction. When you work with barite, you will gain a better understanding of the ways in which energy naturally flows through all living beings – including yourself. For this reason, it is an excellent crystal for anyone who works in the healing arts or healthcare.

Because barite gently removes blockages and restores energy flow, it is said to help those who struggle with chronic fatigue system, exhaustion, and low vitality. It also balances brain chemistry and aids in function.

Barite helps form stronger connections between the body and the mind. It grants you clarity and allows you to see the source of troubles in your life. It also makes you aware of negative thinking and helps you to let go of negative thought patterns that are no longer serving you. It can help you break free from living in fear and can inspire you with new ideas on how to solve old problems. Working with barite can also help you discover how to listen to your inner voice and accept its wisdom.

Working with Barite

Many healers work with barite by using it during meditation. Doing so can help you dig deep to find the answers and insights for which you are searching. You can also experience the many benefits of barite by placing it in your environment. Keep a piece under your pillow or next to your bed to enhance your dream state. You may find that this stone allows you to remember your dreams upon waking or even experience lucid dreaming.

You can also carry barite with you in your pocket to ensure that its healing energies are kept close to you at all times. This option is especially beneficial if you are using the gemstone to try to overcome an addiction.

At Crystal Allies, we carry high-quality barite specimens from Milbladen, Morocco. Whether you are looking for this crystal to add it to your crystal healing practices or you would simply like to use it for decoration, we have specimens that you are sure to love. Shop now to find the perfect piece for your personal collection!

NOTE: All content on this website is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.