If you dream of strengthening your spirituality and connecting with the heavens, celestite is the crystal for you. Also known as celestine, this stone has been associated with divinity, the angelic realms, and the heavens throughout history. Its pale blue color is reminiscent of the sky, and it has a strong vibration that makes it an exceptional teacher for the New Age.
Regardless of where you are on your own spiritual journey, celestite can help you connect with your guardian angels and spirit guides so you’ll never have to feel like you are alone. It has a calm, peaceful energy that can help guide your soul on the path of love and light. It works well with the throat, third eye, and crown chakras and serves as a powerful tool for heavenly communication. If you have any interest in any type of spiritual work, celestite is one crystal that you definitely should have in your collection.
Physical Properties of Celestite

Celestite is a naturally occurring mineral that consists of strontium sulfate. It most commonly forms as crystals but can also occur as compact or massive forms with no distinct shape and as fibrous forms. It is often found inside of geodes and sometimes occurs alongside amethyst or clear quartz. In fact, the largest known geode in the world is lined with blue celestite. Though light blue celestite is the most common and desirable variety, the stone can also appear in shades of white, yellow, and red. It is translucent to transparent and has a vitreous, pearly luster.
With a rating of 3 to 3.5 on the Mohs hardness scale, celestite is a brittle stone that must be handled with care. Because of its softness, it typically is not used as a gemstone. It forms in many places around the world, including Poland, Sicily, the United States, and England. Since the 1960s, however, some of the finest specimens of this stone have been mined in Madagascar.
History of Celestite
Celestite has been known by several different names throughout history but has been recognized as celestite or celestine since the 1790s. The name was derived from the Latin word, “caelestis,” which means “heavenly” or “celestial.” Since its discovery, it has been closely associated with the heavens and used as a tool for spiritual guidance and connection. In ancient cultures, it was believed that celestite stones were formed by pieces of the sky that had fallen to Earth.
Today, celestite is widely used by energy healers and in the metaphysical community. It is also a primary source of the element strontium, which is frequently used in metal alloys and fireworks.
Metaphysical Properties of Celestite
Celestite is held in high regard as a stone of heavenly communication. It can help you connect with your guardian angels or spirit guides. Working with this stone can also help when you are searching for divine guidance or trying to communicate with a loved one who has passed on. Celestite stimulates your spiritual senses and can heighten your intuition while enabling you to connect to higher realms. It also enhances clairaudient and clairvoyant gifts. If you have any interest in connecting with the spiritual realm in any way, celestite is an excellent tool to have at your disposal.
Celestite has a strong yet gentle vibration that can help you learn to trust the infinite wisdom of the universe. It soothes intense emotions and brings peace during times of struggle. It enhances mental clarity and allows you to open up to a higher state of existence. It has a soothing energy that inspires relaxation and instills a sense of wellness.
Physical and Emotional Healing with Celestite
On a physical level, celestite is said to cleanse the systems of the body and rid them of the toxins that occur as a result of chronic stress and tension. As a powerful soothing stone, it can also ease physical pain. It is said to be useful in treating disorders involving the throat, ears, and eyes and is also used to treat digestive problems, especially ones that are caused or made worse by stress.
Because celestite is a sulfate, it may help eliminate infections, particularly those of the skin. It is said to lower fevers and protect one against intestinal parasites, too.
Emotionally, celestite’s calming nature is excellent for cooling fiery tempers, easing stress and anxiety, and quieting an overactive mind. It can help you achieve a higher level of balance and alignment and enable you to receive the restorative energy that comes from connecting with a higher purpose.
Celestite heals depression and grief and can help one mend dysfunctional relationships by facilitating peaceful negotiations. It also dispels fears and paranoia and can help bring you back to a calm state during a panic attack.
Working with Celestite

There are numerous ways in which to work with celestite and experience its benefits for yourself. Place a specimen in any area where there is negative or stagnant energy to fill the space with positive energy. Celestite is an ideal crystal to place in your meditation space or bedroom, too, as it will invite a sense of peace and tranquility. You can also keep celestite in your workplace to combat stress. If you do healing work, placing this stone in your healing room will attract angelic presences and purify the energy in the space.
When used during meditation, celestite can help you keep a clear mind and remain focused on the process. It can also help you connect with higher realms and receive guidance from the universe, your guardian angels, or your spirit guides. It is a powerful tool for astral travel and dream recall, too, when used during meditation. Though incredibly powerful, it has a gentle energy that makes it ideal for those who are new to meditating with crystals.
If you are looking for a beautiful celestite specimen to add to your collection, we have you covered. For high-quality celestite from Madagascar, browse the full selection available from Crystal Allies.
NOTE: All content on this website is provided for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.